Aylesbury Therapy For Kids  |  M: 07964 976 711|ian@aylesburytherapyforkids.co.uk

Monthly Archives: June 2020

How weird…

How weird...just finished an online session with a client where we were discussing the importance of giving hugs to loved ones....and this comes up on my FB feed! Thank you Izabela Dobrowolska


#6 Face the challenges together

#6 Face the challenges together It’s helpful for children to feel they are sharing this experience with you. Find ways to create a sense of ‘we’re all going through something uniquely challenging together’. This situation [...]


#5 Keep to a daily routine

#5 Keep to a daily routine Does it matter if your children are doing less school work? If their bedrooms are messier than usual? It’s annoying, but give yourself permission to let things go a [...]


#3 Avoid competing with others

#3 Avoid competing with others Don’t be drawn into competition with other families who’ve suddenly learnt Japanese, are baking their own bread, and holding ‘theme nights’. These families do exist, but don’t feel inadequate if [...]

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