Aylesbury Therapy For Kids  |  M: 07964 976 711|ian@aylesburytherapyforkids.co.uk



March 2024

February 2024

NLP4Kids – Articles & Videos

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The Power of Language, Self Talk and Generalising!

When talking with clients at my office in Telford about how we interpret life from the outside through our 5 senses and what we choose to filter, I always recollect a time when I generalised a situation and upon reflecting on what seemed a simple action and how[…] The post The Power of Language, Self Talk and Generalising! first appeared on NLP4Kids | Children Therapy, Child Counselling, Self Esteem. [...]

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Self-harm among children and adolescents is a growing concern, with worrying statistics highlighting significant differences between boys and girls in the UK and Ireland. As a parent, it is crucial to understand the factors that drive self-harm, recognise the warning signs, and know how to approach this sensitive[…] The post Self-Harm in Children: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents of Boys and Girls first appeared on NLP4Kids | Children Therapy, Child Counselling, Self Esteem. [...]

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Let me introduce you to three distinct voices that can intensify a child’s anxiety unnecessarily. However, these voices might also be familiar to you. One of these voices is the anxious voice that resides within your mind. It can sometimes create a few complications when you’re feeling anxious.[…] The post The 3 Anxiety Voices first appeared on NLP4Kids | Children Therapy, Child Counselling, Self Esteem. [...]

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My child refuses to go to school – Should I force them to go?

School refusal is a concerning issue that affects many children and families. At its core, school refusal is when a child refuses to go to school or has significant difficulty attending on a regular basis. This can manifest in a variety of ways – a child may outright[…] The post My child refuses to go to school – Should I force them to go? first appeared on NLP4Kids | Children Therapy, Child Counselling, Self Esteem. [...]

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Child Therapy Telford has moved (well kind of…)!

Child Therapy Telford has moved (well kind of…) all be it to the ground floor, still in Wellington, Telford close to M54 Junction 7. Easily accessible from Wolverhampton, Newport, and Shrewsbury. Bridgnorth, Oswestry, Much Wenlock and more. Although I don’t just limit myself to West Midland locations, I[…] The post Child Therapy Telford has moved (well kind of…)! first appeared on NLP4Kids | Children Therapy, Child Counselling, Self Esteem. [...]

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As a foster parent, Childline counsellor and NLP4Kids Practitioner,  I often observe the profound impact that confidence, or the lack thereof, can have on children’s lives. In today’s world, many children and teenagers face unique challenges that can erode their self-confidence. However, with the right support and techniques, we can help them build the confidence they[…] The post Building Confidence in Kids and Teenagers: Practical Insights and NLP Techniques first appeared on NLP4Kids | Children Therapy, Child Counselling, Self Esteem. [...]

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This article will discuss the topic of responsibility, focusing specifically on mental health. More specifically, I want to address the issue of anxiety. Recently, I had a conversation with our HR department at work, and it was quite challenging for me to accept their viewpoint. They told me[…] The post When it’s Anxiety and Not Behaviour! first appeared on NLP4Kids | Children Therapy, Child Counselling, Self Esteem. [...]

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Since my trip to India to launch the NLP4Kids franchise in this beautiful, diverse country, I have faced some heavy criticism from the country’s natives regarding the likelihood of successfully providing our coaching and mental wellbeing services to the nations young people. It appears that when it comes[…] The post We Will Not Talk About Mental Health In India (even if it kills us) first appeared on NLP4Kids | Children Therapy, Child Counselling, Self Esteem. [...]

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Child Therapy: A Parent’s Guide

As a parent or carer, it’s natural to want the best for your child, teenager or young person, especially when it comes to their mental and emotional well-being. When faced with challenges or concerns that affect their mental health, seeking the help of a child therapist can be[…] The post Child Therapy: A Parent’s Guide first appeared on NLP4Kids | Children Therapy, Child Counselling, Self Esteem. [...]

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The ‘Go To’ Therapists Pillow

July 17th is World Emoji Day!  July 17th is World Emoji Day, and as a child therapist, I’m happy to share how emojis can help when working with little ones who are struggling to find the words to express their feelings. For many children, opening up about their[…] The post The ‘Go To’ Therapists Pillow first appeared on NLP4Kids | Children Therapy, Child Counselling, Self Esteem. [...]

BBC NEWS | Education

Tuition fees must go up, unis say as term begins

As freshers get settled in, a group of unis is calling for inflation-linked fee hikes in England. [...]

What will happen when VAT is added to private school fees?

The Labour government's changes will come into effect in January 2025 [...]

'I got a £44,000 student loan - now I owe £54,000’

The new repayment rate for student loans started this month but for some graduates the debt pile keeps growing. [...]

London primary school numbers to drop by 52,000

Primary school numbers in London are set to fall at double the national average, putting pressure on budgets. [...]

One of England's biggest school academy trusts to ban phone use

Ormiston Academies Trust is removing access to phones for 35,000 pupils at its 42 schools. [...]

'I lost two years of income when my son had to miss school'

Kirsti Hadley described her business as "my second baby" - but now relies on benefits to make ends meet. [...]

Second-hand bedding a hit at St Andrews University

The recycled bedding has been distributed to new owners who have signed up to the scheme. [...]

How much does uni cost in the UK and is it worth it?

Given higher costs, some students wonder whether going to university makes financial sense. [...]

Everything you need to know about student loans

How do I get my first student loan payment, what can I borrow and when do I have to start paying it back? [...]

'I worked two jobs at university to survive'

BBC Scotland speaks to two care-experienced students about their time at university. [...]


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No. This news is largely populated from my Facebook page. I do not produce everything that appears on Facebook here, so the best place to stay in touch is via Facebook. You can like the page and never miss a post. Click here to like and follow!

To find out more or to book your free consultation please call me, Ian Davies on 07964 976 711 or email ian@aylesburytherapyforkids.co.uk

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